Tuesday, November 3, 2009

why do i have to suffer like this.

done with two papers and two more to go.

i'm trying very hard to concentrate but there has to be some distractions.

terrible stomachache i don't know why. probably too much kim chi soup from dinner.

terrible hot weather. how do you even concentrate when you can hardly breathe.

terrible news from both the real world and the k-entertainment.

first news, there was this policeman who was chasing this mentally disabled guy forcing the guy to run towards the sea. this policeman was 'smart' enough to beat the hell out of him and caused the guy to run even further towards the deep sea. finally drowned. i know this happens where police tends to misuse their power. but what was even more disturbing was the fact that there were tonnes of onlookers and nobody did a shit to stop the police or at least get some help bring back the fella to shore. even if the guy is mentally disabled, he doesn't deserve to die drowning. what about his family members..sigh. it's really disheartening how inhumane people can be. really scary.

another news, sigh...i guess it's not news worthy for you but it is to me. you know i'm a mad fangirl of dbsk. now that their existence might just turn into history really worries me.

well well...

i guess i'll have to force myself to finish up at least one more chapter before hopping on the bed.

any stomach ache remedies?


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