Thursday, January 22, 2009


YES! I am. as you can see i kind of abandon my xanga site for quite some time. probably a waste of time for you to read my post on xanga these days.

but sad to say my nonsense will continue here in Blogspot. i'm sure there are times when you feel you'll just go blog-hopping here and there to fill up your time. whether or not those blogs are nonsensical or not. at least they keep you occupied for a few seconds if not minutes. yeah?

how have i been for the past few days? very well i reckon. except for a few sneezing here and there. plus definitely not lack of sleep because my mum forced me to sleep every minute especially after i sneezed a couple of times. she assumes my immune system is deteriorating, in a way it might be true.

oh before that. did i tell you my brief trip to Penang with kcm, momma and rach? thanks for bringing me there and not let me rot to death. hahaha. really enjoyed the eating part. ^^ please forgive me if i said the best part of the trip is eating. although most of them weren't very fond of the sucky food. shit how come Penang has sucky food??anyhow, i still enjoyed it. even after being forced to chomp down LaLas in which i usually do not eat. why is that day an exception. haha. ask someone.

hmm hmmm.

anyway my due-time is up.

i shall post a new post as soon as i'm in the mood alright?

ah. getting sleepy as well.

have a good night.


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