Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010, how are you treating me?

i felt like my the 'chi' around me isn't flowing very well like it should. wtf is 'chi'..okay it's a feng shui term for energy. i need more positive 'chi'. seriously.

seriously how can one start a new year like this.

it's nothing serious. just you know when small incidents accumulates it's really frustrating.

of all the things i have to lost my 'MyKad' and it was right before i needed it. what's more disturbing is the fact that i knew i was having it just few minutes before. few minutes later it was gone. what? magic? fml.

dying..~of course my life isn't that pathetic to the point that i need to die.

i think i have the hyperbole syndrome and the are-we-there-yet syndrome. the are-we-there-yet syndrome is diagnosed by momma&ysy. thank you for the diagnosis. HAHA.

guess i've spent my holidays pretty well. no no i am not doing anything productive but at least i think i really did have some enjoyable times.

maybe this will the be last time i will have a long holiday like this. :0

argh. my nose is crazy runny now. i should just sleep.

ah before that. let me just wish Wai San Happy Bday~ and KCM Happy Belated Bday!! forgive me if presents do not appear, i know it's a shame to say this but...pls understand. haha. it should be on its way. i'm still an amazing friend.. HAHA~

good night, world.

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